توازن – Tawazon‎ v1.0.9 Mod (Free purchase)

Tawazon seeks to improve the daily life of the Arab person & families by developing a mobile application that provides daily, short, and scientifically proven meditation sessions. The innovation and excellence offered by Tawazon is focusing on developing and recording meditation sessions in the Arabic language which are suitable for the state of mind of Arab communities around the world. This is critical due to the important role the mother tongue plays in the effectiveness of meditation, in addition, the many daily challenges faced by the Arab person such as anxiety, tension, lack of peace of mind and inner peace makes the app a tool which is very helpful, modern and easy to access from anywhere and anytime using smartphones.
3.6/5 Votes: 589
Sep 7, 2023
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توازن – Tawazon 2.0.3 APK + Mod (Free purchase)

Tawazon seeks to improve the daily life of the Arab person & families by developing a mobile application that provides daily, short, and scientifically proven meditation sessions. The innovation and excellence offered by Tawazon is focusing on developing and recording meditation sessions in the Arabic language which are suitable for the state of mind of Arab communities around the world. This is critical due to the important role the mother tongue plays in the effectiveness of meditation, in addition, the many daily challenges faced by the Arab person such as anxiety, tension, lack of peace of mind and inner peace makes the app a tool which is very helpful, modern and easy to access from anywhere and anytime using smartphones.

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Some of the topics covered by the application are:
– How to begin meditation?
– Deep relaxation.
– Sleep.
– Breathing exercises.
– My relationship with my body.
– Relationship with myself.
– Relationship with others.
– Focus and productivity: mindfulness at work.
– Happiness.
– Health and disease.
– Emotional eating and conscious eating.
– Breaking habits.
– Guided meditation (mindfulness meditation).
– Depression.
– Fear.
– Regret.
– Forgiveness and Gratitude.
– Freedom from negative emotions.
– Meditation for children.
– More and more more …

Immediate, short training to help you lead a stress-free, focused and creative life, simply by following a short (5 to 10 mins) daily mindfulness meditations.

– The first & leading Arabic meditation & mindfulness application.
– Using NewLife’s app will improve your life quality.
– NewLife’s app is suitable for the whole family.
– Reach the highest awareness, tranquility, relaxation and concentration to create a calm and creative life filled with joy and reassurance.
– The application provides the mother with tools to relax and calm to raise awareness and focus in children.

Read more about terms and conditions:
– Terms and Conditions: http://tawazonapp.com/terms-and-conditions
– Privacy Policy: http://tawazonapp.com/privacy-policy

رحلة التوازن تبدأ هنا – تطبيق التأمل العربي الأول
تسعى توازن لتحسين مستوى الحياة اليومية للإنسان العربي والعائلة العربية من خلال تطوير تطبيق موبايل يوفّر جلسات تأمّل يومية، قصيرة ونتائجها مثبتة علمياً. التجديد والتميّز الذي تقدّمه توازن إلى السوق هو تأمّلات طُوّرت وسُجّلت باللغة العربية على يد نخبة من خبراء عرب في المجال ملائمة للمجتمعات العربية في جميع أنحاء العالم. علماً أن اللغة الأمّ تلعب دوراً أساسياً ومركزياً في مدى نجاعة التأمّل، ونظراً لتعدد التحديات اليومية التي يواجهها الإنسان العربي من قلق، توتّر، قلّة هدوء نفسي وسلام داخلي يأتي تطبيق التأمّل من توازن ليشكّل أداةً عصرية، حديثة وسهلة الوصول من أي مكان وأي زمان من خلال الهواتف النقالة.

قسم من المواضيع التي يتناولها التطبيق هي:
– كيف أبدأ التأمّل؟
– الاسترخاء العميق.
– النوم.
– تمارين التنّفس.
– تأمّل للأطفال: رفع مستوى التركيز عند الأطفال.
– علاقتي بجسدي.
– علاقتي بنفسي.
– علاقتي بالآخرين.
– التركيز والإنتاجية: اليقظة في العمل.
– أنا والسعادة.
– الصحة والمرض.
– الأكل العاطفي والأكل الواعي.
– تغيير عادات.
– الاكتئاب.
– الخوف.
– الندم.
– المسامحة والامتنان.
– التحرر من المشاعر السلبية.
– والمزيد المزيد المزيد…

تطبيق توازن يوفّر تأمّلات قصيرة ويومية (٥ حتى ١٠ دقائق) تمكّنك من الوصول إلى أعلى حالات الوعي، السكينة، الاسترخاء والتركيز من أجل خلق حياة هادئة ومبدعة ببهجة واطمئنان.

اقرأ المزيد عن شروط الإستخدام من هنا:
شروط الإستخدام: http://tawazonapp.com/terms-and-conditions
سياسة الخصوصية: http://tawazonapp.com/privacy-policy


What is توازن – Tawazon APK, and how does it differ from the regular app?

توازن – Tawazon APK is the Android application package file of the توازن – Tawazon app. It allows you to install the app on your Android device manually, bypassing the official app store. The main difference is the method of installation. The APK is often used when the app is not available on official app stores or when you want to install an older version of the app.

Is توازن – Tawazon APK safe to download and install on my Android device?

توازن – Tawazon APK can be safe to download, but it’s important to exercise caution. Only download APK files from reputable sources, such as the official website or trusted app repositories. Additionally, make sure to enable the “Install from Unknown Sources” option in your Android settings to install APKs.

How do I download توازن – Tawazon APK for my Android device?

To download توازن – Tawazon APK, visit the official website or a trusted source that offers the APK file. Click on the download link and follow the on-screen instructions. Be cautious of unofficial sources to avoid potential security risks.

Can I update توازن – Tawazon APK manually?

Yes, you can update توازن – Tawazon APK manually by downloading the latest APK file from a trusted source and installing it on your device. Be sure to uninstall the previous version if prompted during the installation process.

Are there any risks associated with using توازن – Tawazon APK?

Using توازن – Tawazon APK carries some risks, especially if you download it from unverified sources. There’s a chance of encountering malware or compromised versions of the app. To mitigate these risks, only download APKs from reputable sources and keep your device’s security settings up to date.

Will توازن – Tawazon APK receive official updates and support?

توازن – Tawazon APK may not receive automatic updates like the version from the official app store. You will need to manually download and install updates as they become available from trusted sources. Keep an eye on the official website or other reputable sources for updates to ensure you have the latest version with bug fixes and new features.


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